Advisory Services:
- Company Act 1956/2013 and Rules made there under.
- Limited Liability Partnership Act & Rules
- Foreign Exchange Management Act relating to Capital Market Transactions
- Listing Agreement and other SEBI Regulations
- Stamp Act
- Property
- ESPOS & Sweat Equity
- ECB & Other Credits
- Raising of Funds in India / Overseas through instruments like GDRs/ADRs/FCCB etc.
- Business Financing
- Listing of Securities in India & Abroad
Preparation and Maintenance of Documents:
- Assisting in preparation of notices, agenda, minutes and resolutions for Board Meetings, Committees thereof, AGM, EGM, Statutory Meetings & reports thereof.
- Maintenance and assistance for preparation of Secretarial and Statutory / Non-statutory records including Statutory Registers
- Secretarial Compliance Certificate for Public, Private & Listed Companies.
- Preparation and alteration of MOA and AOA
- Forfeiture / Surrender / Lien of shares
- Reconstitution of Board of Directors and committees thereof
- Compliance of Public Deposits
- Issue and compliance of various kinds of debentures (listed or unlisted) and managing privately placed Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD's)
- Issue of share certificates including duplicate, splitting, consolidation, etc.
- Shifting of books of accounts from one place to another place
- Remuneration to Directors, their relatives and persons holding office or place of profit
- Declaration and payment of dividend
- Loans to directors, their relatives and other body corporate
- Contracts / arrangements in which directors are interested
- Assisting in passing resolution through Postal Ballot and acting as Scrutinizer
- Compounding of various offences under the applicable Acts
- Appointment / resignation / removal of Auditors
- Dematerialization / Rematerialization of securities
- Obtaining DIN / DSC (including PAN encrypted) for directors and professionals
- Preparation, certification and filling of various e-forms on MCA Portal
- Liaison with the offices of ROC / RD / CLB / MCA for obtaining various regulatory approvals
Business Establishment Services:
- Incorporation of public & private limited companies viz. company limited by shares or by guarantee
- Incorporating a Limited Liability Partnership
- Incorporation of Part IX Companies (e.g. Producer Companies)
- Foreign Companies Branch Office/ Liaison Office
- Obtaining licenses and incorporation of section 8 companies (for promoting commerce, art, science, etc.)
- Conversion of existing business entities into Company / LLP
- Registration of foreign companies in India (Branch offices / Liaison offices / Project offices)
- Registration of a wholly owned subsidiaries outside India
- Registration of Company with RBI as NBFC, Primary Dealers, Assets Reconstruction Companies, etc.
- Registration of Company with SEBI as Mutual Fund, Stock and Sub Brokers, Portfolio Managers, Venture Capital Funds, Merchant Bankers and other intermediaries
- Obtaining license and formation of a company/unit in SEZ's/ EOU's/ STP
- Joint Ventures / Foreign Collaborations
- Registration of business entities under Central/ State / Local Authorities
- Registration as financial intermediaries interalia including distribution, financial advisors.
- Setting up of Business outside India
SEBI & Listing:
- Listing of Securities in India & Abroad
- Delisting of Securities
- Audits and certification under listing agreement
- Assistance in compliance with provisions of listing agreement
- Assistance in compliance with various Guidelines, Rules and Regulations issued by SEBI
- Liaison with office of Stock Exchanges
- Assistance in managing Initial Public Offering / Follow up Issue / Right Issue / Bonus Issue / Preferential Allotment / Private Placement.
- Registration of intermediaries with SEBI (Mutual Fund, Stock and Sub Brokers, Portfolio Managers, Venture Capital Funds, Merchant Bankers, FIIs and other intermediaries)
- Other allied services
Verification and Searches:
- Search Report of Companies
- Inspection & Investigation
- Legal Due Diligence
Closure of Business:
- Winding Up
- Closure of Companies u/s 560
- Cancellation of Licenses & Registrations of Non Profit Making Companies.
Registration & Licensing:
- STPI/EOU registration
- Partnership Act
- Companies Act
- Limited Liability Act
Drafting & Vetting of MOUs, Agreements etc:
- Memorandum of Association
- Articles of Association
- Joint Venture Agreements
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Limited Liability Partnership Agreements
- Legal Contracts & Agreements
- Commercial Contracts & Agreements
- Shareholders’ Agreements
- Share Purchase, Business Takeover Agreements
- Corporate Restructuring:
- Amalgamation / merger / takeover / compromise
- De-merger / split / spin off or hive off - of division or business into separate company
- Slump Sale
- Revival of defunct / sick companies
- Joint venture / foreign collaborations / alliances
- Financial Restructuring:
- Issue and allotment of securities for cash / consideration other than cash carrying voting rights and/or differential voting rights
- Transfer of controlling stake
- Issue of share warrants
- Rights issue / Bonus Issue / Sweat Equity / Preferential Issue/ Private Placement of securities
- Issue of IDR / ADR / GDR / FCCB.
- Reclassification / consolidation / sub division/ cancellation of share capital
- Employees Stock Option Scheme / Employees Stock Purchase Scheme
- Buy Back of Securities
- Reduction of share capital
- Conversion of shares into stock and vice versa
Audits, Certification & Attestation Services:
- Secretarial Audit
- Review of Secretarial Compliances
- Secretarial Compliance Certificate
- Corporate Governance
- Legal Due Diligence
- Reconciliation of share capital Audit
- Securities Audit
- Depository Participant Audit
- Stock Broker Compliance Audit
- Annual Return Certifications
- Stock Audit on behalf of Banks
- Bank Due Diligence Audit
- Certificate for Preferential issue of shares, buy back, FC – GPR etc
- Inspection Audit of Mutual Funds
- Other Attestation Services under SEBI Regulations
- Other Attestation & Certification Services under FEMA
- Other Certification under Companies Act
- Other Certification under Limited Liability Partnership Act
- Certification under Other Acts
MCA Services:
- Director Identification Number
- Digital Signature Certificates
- Designated Partners Identification Number (DPIN)
Applications & Approvals:
- Increase in number of Directors
- Office or Place of Profit
- Appointment / remuneration / waiver of remuneration of Directors and Managerial Personnel
- Exemption from attaching balance sheet of subsidiary companies to its holding company
- Change in the form and contents of the Financial Statements
- Loans to directors, their relatives and interested parties
- Declaration of dividend out of reserves
- Appointment of cost auditors
- Removal of Directors
- Appointment of sole selling/ sole buying agents
- Payment of interest out of capital
- Condonation of delay in filing of forms with MCA
- Other Applications
- Relief in case of oppression and mismanagement
- Shifting of registered office from one state to another
- Condonation of delay in filing of forms for creation / modification / satisfaction of charge
- Issue of Shares at discount
- Extension of time for not issuing debenture certificate within 3 months
- Convening AGM / EGM in case of default by the company
- Repayment of unpaid public deposits including small deposits
- Other Applications
- Rectification of name
- Contracts in which Directors and/or their relatives are interested
- Licenses for incorporation of section 25 company
- Removal of Auditors before expiry of term
- Shifting of registered office from jurisdiction of one ROC to another
- Compounding of Offence
- Other Applications
- Change of name/ object clause
- Conversion of Public company to Private and vice versa
- Extension of time for holding AGM
- Change and extension of financial year
- Revalidation of Transfer Deed
- Commencement of new business not germane to main object
- Declaration of a company as defunct company
- Certificate of commencement of business by public companies
- Other applications