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MCA Notification No. G.S.R. 795(E) dated 24th December, 2020_Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020.

MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.795 dated 24/12/2020 has issued Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020 thereby further amending Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 which shall come into force with effect from 26th January, 2021. The following Rule 9A- ‘Extension of reservation of name in certain cases’ has been inserted in the Rules:

  • Rule 9A- On payment of fees, the Registrar shall extend the period of a name reserved under rule 9 upto:
No. of Days of Extension
Payment of Fees
9A (a)
40 Days from the date of approvalunder rule 9
Payment of Rs.1000 made before the expiry of 20 days from the date of approval under rule 9
9A (b)
60 Days from the date of approvalunder rule 9
Payment of Rs.2000 made beforethe expiry of 40 daysreferred to in clause (a) above
9A (c)
60 Days from the date of approvalunder rule 9
Payment of Rs.3000 made before the expiry of 20 days from the date of approval under rule 9
  • However, Registrar will have the power to cancel the reserved name in accordance with Section 4(5) of the Act.
  • Accordingly, Form SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company Electronically Plus FORM NO. INC-32) Part –A is also amended.

The said Notification can be accessed through the following link: MCA_Notif_GSR.395(E)_23.06.2020_Co(MeetingsofBoardanditsPower)2ndAmendmentRules,2020

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