MCA vide notice dated 17.12.2018 has invited comments / suggestions on draft amendment to Rule 8 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 regarding name availability. This amendment is intended to bring more clarity regarding name availability. This amendment is focused on:
- Inclusion of Illustrations in the Rules;
- providing a clear test to determine as to whether the applied name resembles too nearly with the name of an existing company; and
- Bringing more clarity in the rule related to “General names” / descriptive names and trademark availability.
Further, the Rule 8 has been restructured in 3 parts as follows:
Rule 8: Names which resemble too nearly with the name of an existing company.
Rule 8A: Undesirable Names
Rule 8B: Word or expression which can be used only after obtaining previous approval of Central Government
The Suggestions / comments shall be provided with justification latest by 31.12.2018 through email at in the format prescribed thereunder.
Said Notice is available on following link:MCA_Notice_17.12.18_IncorpRulesAmdmtComnts