NCLT vide order no. 25/2/2016 dated 02.08.2016 in exercise of powers in Rule 51 of NCLT Rules, 2016, has prescribed dress code as given below for President, Members, Authorised Representatives & for the Parties in Person to be followed during Tribunal Proceedings.
- For President & Members: white or striped or black trouser with black coat over white shirt and band or buttoned-up black coat and band. In case of Female, black coat over white saree.
- For Authorised Representatives: his/her professional dress, if any, or in a suit or buttoned-up coat over a trouser or national dress i.e. long buttoned-up coat. In case of Female, coat over white or any sober coloured saree or any decent dress.
- For Parties in Person: shall be properly dressed.The said Order can be accessed at the following link: order_dated_02.08.2016_dresscode