SEBI vide Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD/CIR/P/2017/10 on Monday, 6th February, 2017 with reference to the mandatory requirement of LODR for submission of Business Responsibility Report (BRR) by top 500 listed entities and also with an object to provide both financial & non-financial information to investors to take well-informed investment decision & improving disclosure standards, International Integrated Reporting Council (‘IIRC’) has prescribed Guiding Principles, specifying the content of the report and how information is to be presented while preparing Integrated Report, i.e. Strategic focus & future orientation, Connectivity of information, Stakeholder relationships, Materiality, Conciseness, Reliability & completeness, Consistency & comparability and also Categorized various forms of capital for disclosure.
Further, Listed entities are advised to take note of the said circular & adhere to the following:
- IR may be adopted voluntarily from FY 2017-18 by top 500 companies which are required to prepare BRR.
- Information related to IR may be provided separately in annual report, or including in Management Discussion & Analysis, or a separate report as per IR framework.
- In case any relevant information is already provided in any other report, then reference of same can be given in IR.
- Also, Companies may host IR on its website & reference of the same to be given in their Annual Report.
The said Circular of SEBI is available at the following link: SEBI Cir_06.02.2017_IntegratedReportingListedEntities