MCA vide Office Order on Thursday, November 22, 2018 has given order for re-constitution of High-Level Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility- 2018 under the chairmanship of Shri. Injeti Srinivas, Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs to review the existing Framework and guide and formulate the roadmap for a coherent policy on CSR. The Scope of the Committee includes:
- To review the existing CSR framework as per Act, Rules and Circulars from time to time.
- To recommend guidelines for enforcement of CSR provisions.
- To suggest measures for adequate monitoring and evaluation of CSR by Companies.
- To examine and recommend audit (financial, performance, social) for CSR, as well as, analyze outcomes of CSR activities/programmes/projects.
- Any other matter incidental or connected thereto.
The recommendations of this committee will be submitted to MCA.
The said Order can be accessed through the following link: