MCA vide Notification No.G.S.R.__(E) on Wednesday, 13th June, 2018 notified the Companies (Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules,2018. This Rules contains the following sub-rules:
- Short title and commencement.
- Declaration of significant beneficial ownership in shares under section 90.(to be filed in Form No. BEN-1)
- Return of significant beneficial owners in shares(to be filed in Form No. BEN-2 )
- Register of significant beneficial owners (to be maintained in Form No.BEN-3)
- Notice seeking information about significant beneficial owners ( by Company in Form No.BEN-4)
- Application to the Tribunal.
- Non-Applicability.
The said Notification can be accessed from the following link:MCANotf.dt 13.6.18_Co.(Significant Beneficial Owners) Rules,20l8