MCA vide Circular No. 08/2016 on Friday, the 29th July, 2016, has clarified that Ministry have revised Form AOC-4 which would be deployed shortly and also Form AOC-4(XBRL) & Form AOC-4(CFS) are under revision & may be available by end of August, 2016.
Thus, in order to give some time to companies to get familiarized with new forms, it has been decided to extend the period for relaxation of additional fee payable on e-forms by Companies whose due date of holding AGM is on or after 01.04.2016 and last date for filing such documents without additional filing fees up to 29.10.2016.
The said circular can be accessed at the following link: GeneralCircular-08_30072016 EXTENSION IN FILING AOC 4 & MGT 7 up to 29.10.2016