MCA Vide Notification No. GSR.793(E) Dated 16th October, 2019 issued Companies (Incorporation) Eighth Amendment Rules, 2019 to further amend The Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 wherein:-
- In rule 8A(1)(b), the words “or applicant for registration,” is omitted.
- In rule 25A(1), in the fourth proviso, for the item (iii), the following is substituted –
DIR-12 (changes in Director except in case of:
(a) cessation of any director
(b) appointment of directors in such company where the total number of directors are less than the minimum number provided in section 149(1)(a) on account of disqualification of all or any of the director under section 164
(c) appointment of any director in such company where DINs of all or any of its director(s) have been deactivated
(d) appointment of director(s) for implementation of the order passed by the Court or Tribunal or Appellate Tribunal under this Act or under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016).
- In rule 28(1), the following rules is inserted-
(2) The Regional Director shall examine the application referred to in sub-rule (l) and the application may be put up for orders without hearing the order either approving or rejecting the application shall be passed within fifteen days of the receipt of application complete in all respects.
(3) The certified copy of order of the Regional Director, approving the alternation of memorandum for transfer of registered office company within the same State, shall be filed in Form No.INC-28 along with fee with the Registrar of State within thirty days from the date of receipt of certified copy of the order.
The said Notification can be accessed through the following link:MCANotif_GSR793(E)_16102019_Co.IncorporatnAmndtRules