MCA Circular No. 03 dated 15th January, 2021_Scheme for condonation of delay for companies restored during Dec 2020 u/s 252 of the CA 2013.
MCA has introduced a new scheme- Scheme for condonation of delay for companies restored between 01 December 2020 and 31 December 2020 u/s 252 of Companies Act, 2013 which will come into effective from 01st February 2021. The schemes is applicable in respect of Companies which have obtained orders of NCLT under section 252 of […]
MCA Circular No. 02 dated 13th January, 2021_Clarification on holding of AGM through VC or OAVM.
MCA has allowed companies whose AGMs were due to be held in the year 2020 or become due in the year 2021 to conduct their AGMs on or before 31st December, 2021 in accordance with Circular no. 20/2020. It has further clarified that the same shall not be considered as any extension of time for […]
MCA Circular No. 01 dated 13th January, 2021_Clarification on spending of CSR funds for awareness and public outreach on COVID-19 vaccination programme.
MCA has clarified that spending CSR funds for carrying out awareness campaigns/ programmes or public outreach campaigns on COVID-19 vaccination programme is an eligible CSR activity under item no. (i), (ii) and (xii) of Schedule VII of Companies Act 2013. The said Circular can be accessed through the following link: MCA_Circular 01_13.01.2021_Clarification on spending of […]
MCA Circular No. 39 dated 31st December, 2020 – Extension of time for passing of ordinary and special resolutions by companies under the Companies Act,2013.
MCA vide this Circular has extended the time to allow the companies to conduct their EGMs through VC or OAVM or transact items through postal ballot in accordance with the framework provided in the aforesaid Circulars upto 30thJune, 2021. The said Circular can be accessed through the following link: MCA_Circular 39_31.12.2020_Extension for holding EGMs through […]
MCA Notification No. G.S.R. 794(E) dated 24th December, 2020_Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Second Amendment Rules, 2020
MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.794 dated 24/12/2020 has issued Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Second Amendment Rules, 2020 thereby further amending Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 wherein, in the Annexures to the Rules, Form SH-7 have been amended. The said Notification can be accessed through the following link: MCA_Notif_GSR.794(E)_24.12.2020_Co.(Share Capital & Debentures) 2nd […]
MCA Notification No. G.S.R. 795(E) dated 24th December, 2020_Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020.
MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.795 dated 24/12/2020 has issued Companies (Incorporation) Third Amendment Rules, 2020 thereby further amending Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 which shall come into force with effect from 26th January, 2021. The following Rule 9A- ‘Extension of reservation of name in certain cases’ has been inserted in the Rules: Rule 9A- On payment […]
MCA Notification No. S.O. 4646(E) dated 21st December, 2020_ Commencement Notification.
Central Government appointed the 21st December, 2020 as the date on which certain provisions of the following sections of the Companies Act, 2013 shall come into force: Sections Particulars 8(11) Default in compliance of requirements of Section 8 (Formation of Companies with charitable objects) 26(9) Matters to be stated in prospectus (Penal Provisions) 40(5) […]
MCA Notification No. G.S.R. 774(E) dated 18th December, 2020_ Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2020.
MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.774 dated 18/12/2020 has issued Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2020 thereby further amending Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules,2014 wherein: In rule 6(4), the period to pass online proficiency self-assessment test by an individual whose name is included in the data bank is extended to […]
MCA Order S.O. 4588(E) dated 17th December, 2020_ Companies (Auditor’s Report) Second Amendment Order, 2020
MCA vide this Order further amending Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020, has extended the applicability of the CARO 2020 from 1st April, 2020 to 1st April, 2021. The said Order can be accessed through the following link: MCA_Notif_S.O.4588(E)_17.12.2020_Extension of applicability of CARO
MCA Notification No. G.S.R. 773(E) dated 17th December, 2020_ Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Second Amendment Rules, 2020.
MCA vide Notification No. G.S.R.773 dated 17/12/2020 has issued Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Second Amendment Rules, 2020 thereby further amending Companies (Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations) Rules, 2016 wherein: In Rule 2(1), the following new clause (e) have been inserted: “(e) Corporate action means any action taken by thecompany relating to transfer of shares and […]